2024 Graduation information for all events and for graduates, friends, and families can be found here

Benjamin (Ben) A. Swig, MPH, MBA

Ben Swig, wearing a suit, smiling straight at camera


Ben Swig is a public health entrepreneur and business strategist based in Colorado. He is currently the director of healthcare innovation and strategy at Acadian Ambulance, the country’s largest private ambulance company. Prior to his work with Acadian Ambulance, Mr. Swig served as co-founder and COO of Ready Responders, an on-demand supplier of healthcare providers addressing the medical needs of people in their homes. Most recently, Mr. Swig helped develop Checkpoint, a web- and cloud-based software platform to help employers screen, track, and trace COVID-19 within their employee population and help them keep their business running. He received his MPH from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, as well as an MBA from the Freeman School of Business. He joined the Dean’s Advisory Council in 2020.